Cord basalt, heat-insulating

Heat Insulation Cords

Thermal insulation cord IZOPACK–90Т

IZOPACK-90 brand insulation cord consists of mullite-silica yarn reinforced with fiberglass roving
Application temperature: +850 oC (up to +1000 oC short-term)
Thermal conductivity at +600 oC: 0.22 W/mK
Loss of weight on ignition: 15%
Cross-sectional dimensions: from 6 to 120 mm
Cross-sectional shape: round.
Weave type: twisted
Regulatory document: TU U 26.8-25301932-003:2005 “Heat-insulating cords of IZOPACK brand”.
Place an order, ask technical questions, get advice: +38(067)2475599,