A new type of IZOFLOX-20B fire-resistant cardboard was mastered and put into production


A new type of IZOFLOX-20B fire-resistant cardboard was mastered and put into production

Insulation material IZOFLOX-20B has a composite structure and consists layers based on heat-resistant fibers and inorganic binders. In terms of strength and elasticity, it significantly surpasses traditional thermal insulation boards, it is easier to handle mechanically, it does not crumble or wear out. The inner heat-insulating layer is made of ceramic fibers, the outer layers are highly resistant to open fire and mechanical stress.
Application temperature, constant / short-term: 900/1300 оC.
Thermal conductivity at 600 оC: 0.20 W / mK
Weight loss on ignition: 4%
Density: 1100 kg / m3
Thickness: 4 to 25 mm.
Sheet size: width 800 mm, length from 800 to 5000 mm.

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